In 2-years of training full-time, students will acquire a nationally recognized credential as a state-licensed assistant under state-law. This training program is open to students who can provide evidence of advanced vocational training qualification (Berufsbildungsreife) or the specialized upper-school qualification (Fachoberschulreife) with their 10th grade certificate.
This program offers comprehensive theoretical knowledge as well as fundamental skills practical to the given professions. The following professions are offered in our program:
Technical Design Assistant
This program offers comprehensive theoretical knowledge and the fundamental practical skills for a job in the media industry.
Social Assistant
A certificate of qualification from this vocational program plus evidence of the upper-school entrance qualification allows students to attend a technical college/school for social work, and thus train to become an educator.
Technical Design Assistant
Form of training (Ausbildungsform)
Vocational college training to obtain a vocational qualification certificate (Berufsabschluss) according to state-law.
Duration of training program (Ausbildungsdauer):<h/4> 2 years
Pre-requisites (Voraussetzungen)
Technical College Entrance qualification (Fachoberschulreife) or an equivalent graduation certificate
Health suitability according to the Youth Labor Protection Act (Jugendsarbeitsschutzgesetz)
Enrollment (Anmeldung)
In order to apply for the vocational school (Berufsfachschule), an application letter must be sent in writing to OSZ-Oder Spree by the end of February of each calendar year.
Please enclose:
Curriculum vitae in table form
10th grade certificate
Medical certificate of health suitability
Description (Beschreibung)
Students will acquire a nationally-recognized profession in this two-year long full-time training program at our Vocational School (Berufsfachschule), which offers comprehensive theoretical knowledge and the fundamental practical skills for a job in the media industry.
Social Assistant (Sozialassistent/-in)
Form of Training (Ausbildungsform)
Full-time vocational training
Duration of training program (Ausbildungsdauer):
2 years
Pre-requisites (Voraussetzungen)
Extended vocational training qualification (Erweiterte Beufsbildungsreife)
Health suitability for a social assistant occupation
Enrollment (Anmeldung)
In order to apply for the vocational school (Berufsfachschule), an application letter must be sent in writing to OSZ-Oder Spree by the end of February of each calendar year.
Please enclose:
Curriculum vitae in table form
10th grade certificate
Medical certificate of health suitability
Description (Beschreibung)
The course of study at the Social Vocational Training College (Berufsfachschule Soziales) leads to a state vocational qualification (Berufsabschluss) as a social assistant in accordance with state law. The program both provides the necessary theoretical knowledge and practical skills for social assistant work and expands students’ general education. The course of study includes 800 hours of practical training. After completing this course of study, employment is possible in child-care facilities, elderly and nursing homes, and facilities for disabled persons. It is then possible to attend the specialized college for social pedagogy (Fachschule Sozialpädagogik), in order to complete training to become a state-certified educator.