A technical school is a school for further vocational training. While both vocational schools and technical schools offer vocational training, technical schools offer further-qualifying training opportunities for practical professions. In order to be able to attend a technical school, a completed vocational training (Berufsausbildung) and usually also a defined number of years in this occupation must be proved.
Technical School (Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering)
School Structure (Ausbildungsform):
Part-time technical school
Duration of training program (Ausbildungsdauer):
3 years
Pre-requisites (Voraussetzungen)
Technical college entrance qualification (Fachoberschulereife) or an equivalent qualification
Description (Beschreibung)
Many companies in industry and commerce are increasingly searching for practice-oriented leaders in middle-management. The “state-certified technician” can use their acquired knowledge and professional experience to solve tasks in project planning, commission technical systems, or advise customers professionally and competently in sales; either independently or as part of a team. The content taught within the further-qualification program enables technicians to train and lead personnel. The “state-certified-technician” therefore has a plethora of employment options within different technical and commercial fields.
Fields of Study:
Electrical engineering (Elektrotechnik)
Machine technology (Maschinetechnik)
Technical School for Social Pedagogy (state-recognized educator)
School Structure (Ausbildungsform):
Full-time specialized school
Duration of training program (Ausbildungsdauer):
3 years
Pre-requisites (Voraussetzungen)
Applications to the technical school must be sent in writing to OSZ-Oder Spree by the end of February of each calendar year.
Please enclose:
Curriculum vitae in table-form
Certificates of prove school graduation and vocational qualification
Medical certificate of health suitability
If applicable, the required proof of job experience
Description (Beschreibung)
The course of study at the technical school in the Social Pedagogy department deepens students’ vocational training and expands their general education. It leads to a state vocational qualification as a state-recognized educator under state-law.